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Monday, May 02, 2011

i'm feeling very content and thankful for the life i have....

for the food on the table...for the health ....for the conscience ..for the family and friendship...

i can finally say i'm happy with where i am and who i am today....it's not easy for someone to admit that they are...but i really honestly...truthfully am....

of course it's not going to stop here...
i'm only human...and i'll always be 'hungry' for more..more money, career progression, experience, more travelling, a better life quality...better car, a mind-boggling relationship....
there will never be an end to what i "want" as oppose to what i "need"....

but right at this moment...

i'm proudly saying that i am ... happy...

posted by RaNdoMHEarTsOfArMylla @ 5/02/2011 10:10:00 AM  0 comments

Monday, April 18, 2011
It's been a while..
I haven't been blogging for the longest time...

I thought I've given up for good

If i have to reason myself

I've been busy ...

busy taking care of.....

My body, My Health, My Spirit, My Emotions, My Career, My Wealth, My Happiness, My Fitness, My Soul, My...self...

posted by RaNdoMHEarTsOfArMylla @ 4/18/2011 08:25:00 PM  0 comments

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The Return of the Dark Era
The title was pun intended to describe my return to blogging.

It fits perfectly well considering the fact that i only Blog when i'm depressed back in the days. The question is...am i?

I can tell you the last time i was depressed...like REeeAAallly depressed up to the level where i could just lay down on the bed , lights off, stare at the ceiling above me for hours...thinking about how depressed i am. Now take note that with all those tossing and turning sleepless nights ...i still have to wake up the very next day to the job i hate...hence continue the crying and the depression again...
that's all behind me now....

I shall put my situation now as being back to square one. Starting anew...starting from scratch.

I feel the urge to blog again not because i needed a place to vent out anger, or express frustration. I just simply needed to write about what went on during my very long pause from blogging as far as i can remember it and BEFORE i would eventually forget it.

It's been one hell of a roller-coaster ride...and like a roller-coaster ride...... it's fun, it's exciting, and at the same time scary, yet mysterious, and shocking but challenging, it's wild , it's energizing , it feels never-ending . Now THAT's what i'm planning to write about .

and of course ...my life journey has not come to an end yet...as a matter of fact...i'm just about to start on a new journey , and it will be part of my writing content ...

It's 15 minutes to 12 .. i reckon i shouldn't be too ambitious to start story-telling right away...

so hold on......

posted by RaNdoMHEarTsOfArMylla @ 4/28/2010 09:07:00 PM  0 comments

Wednesday, July 08, 2009
i'm already dealing with my own shit here...alone..

i can't satisfy everyone....

i can't go back just to look after someone else's well-being when i can't even handle my own...

if i go back and then what?...i will be stucked there forever....this i know for sure...

i wish that person could stop wallowing in self-pitty and gather his own strength to stay happy...
posted by RaNdoMHEarTsOfArMylla @ 7/08/2009 05:06:00 PM  2 comments

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Summer Break
Booked my flight to Manchester for summer....to my bestfriend's place
i was hoping that i could do a short trip to other cities as well...london, wales..and also to Dublin to visit some friends.....

wherever ..i just need to get out of "here"
with all the moving (house) in August...i'll be dead broke....

i just need to get out of "here"
posted by RaNdoMHEarTsOfArMylla @ 6/30/2009 03:40:00 PM  2 comments

Thursday, June 18, 2009
i'm tired of listening/reading about Dr. M (desperately) trying to promote this whole mozarella- from-Malaysia production.....

my reasons are simple :

1. There are hundreds of other local products to market...but why mozarella ??...
why make something "out" and change a few things and make it "in" and call it ours ?
this is almost like manufacturing a "Kia" car in Malaysia plant and call it "Naza"

2. We don't eat pizzas or fresh mozarellas on daily basis.... so what's next?..malaysian pizza with malaysian mozarella cheese on it?....how pathetic??

3. If the intention is to promote tourisms, this whole, local products, local people what not....
the guy who produces those cheese in langkawi ...this so-called "Mike"..though i'm sure his Italian name is "Michele"...is NOT local....
so the producer is NOT local, the food is NOT local, the only thing that is LOCAL about it is ...KAMBING!

4. I hate the way this thing have been going on for months.... i visited che det months ago..i think somewhere around december 2008, approximately the time Dr.M wrote his first blogpost suggesting(or more like an order) to promote M(ozarella) in M(alaysia), then in the same month i went back to Malaysia , i read a newspaper and saw the Italian guy with his Malaysian wife promoting their Mozarella...
ok ...yeay...you got your news headline...go and make some mozarellas from kambing what not....
then TODAY...to my surprise..i revisited chedet.com again....and waLAhhh!!
AGAIN the words of wisdoms about Malaysian Mozarella in his blogpost!....

I'm pretty sure it's not making a hit in penetrating the market....so why the desperation?...ade share kaa??

*as writing...enjoying Italian Mozarella...yummy!
posted by RaNdoMHEarTsOfArMylla @ 6/18/2009 10:23:00 PM  0 comments

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Vediamo up po'!

Oggi, voglio scrivere in Italiano perche ho studiato la lingua per un anno...però non l'ho usato sempre. Perche??...non lo so.....probabilmente perche mi sento una bambina quando parlo oppure scrivo in Italiano....è imbarazzante. Comunque, devo provare sempre per migliorare no?....
ma, non so di cosa devo scrivere.....

La settimana scorsa, ho comprato il Blackberry Storm.... che bello!...
forse, questo non è il migliore cellulare per tutti altri...ma, per me è venire incontro alle mie neccesità. quindi, lo mi piace molto!

Per quanto riguarda la mia vita qui in Italia, credo, è andata bene. Insomma, sono contenta di lavoro e riesco ad addatarsi a questa città ...io dico tutto a posto...spero, sarò bene nel futuro...

Sto aspettando per 19 dicembre . I dati che torno in Malesia .

okay....this is sooooo tiring!....

a dopo!!
posted by RaNdoMHEarTsOfArMylla @ 12/11/2008 09:20:00 PM  3 comments