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Friday, August 05, 2005
I Am Nothing But Freedom?
You are About
You are about freedom, independence and the right to follow where your heart and gut-instincts lead you in life. You are an inquisitive soul with many questions that can only be answered through travel, exploration and experiencing a variety of life situations. For this reason you are likely to relocate to various cities or countries during your life and also entertain a number of life partners as opposed to just one soul mate.You are best suited to freelance work or being your own boss as stuffy offices and rigid routines are deadly to your imagination and soul. You are a great lover of human nature as well as one of it's greatest observers, which is why you would make a good archaeologist, historian, writer, journalist, reporter or artist. You are great at dealing with people and also do well in any "front line" occupation. For instance many crisis workers, emergency care workers and leaders of self- groups are fives. You need a job that allows you to meet a lot of people as well as brings you a variety of interesting experiences. You also have quite a spiritual bent to your personality that may send you on many personal vision quests. It is not unusual for a 5 to also belong to many different religions during his or her life or suddenly in mid-life to drop everything in pursuit of a life-style that is the complete opposite of the former one. One of your challenges is learning how to not waste time. Your perception of time is somewhat distorted which is why you are often late to meetings or sometimes unable to meet deadlines. Novelties and new ideas also easily distract you so sometimes it is difficult for you to choose a career or lifestyle and stick with it. As a result, others may also find you indecisive and frustrating to deal with. Another challenge that you face on your life path is being overly irresponsible. Many 5's have a habit of taking off when the going gets rough. You tend be quite casual about your relationships and have a great deal of trouble managing any type of emotional crisis. You may even experience panic at the idea of commitment, as you don't like the idea of being responsible to another person. For this reason, many of you have a number of serial relationships rather than just one life long love. If you are unable to physically escape circumstances that you can't emotionally handle or don't like, you are also prone to escaping through substance abuse. This is part of the unpleasant self-indulgent trait that is part of many number 5 personalities. Finding one focus and sticking with it is definitely your biggest life challenge. Most 5's are multitalented but they never stay in one place long enough for one of their projects to grow and blossom. Seeing things through to completion is the best way to make sure that you don't suffer poverty or bitterness in your later years. One of your greatest talents is the ability to communicate, either verbally or through the written word. Your expansive observations of life plus your ability to see all points of view makes you an excellent teacher. Most 5's end up teaching at one point in their life so others can benefit from the rich tapestry of their life experience. You are also a daring spirit that has a love of adventure. You are usually very physically fit and enjoy good health for your entire life if you stay away from overindulging in drink and food.

Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities

The optimum result of your life expression is the accumulation of wealth. Just because you are materialistic does not mean you are not spiritual, however. Many number eights believe that the wealth that they create in their lives is an expression of their soul's ability to circulate good energy in their life. You are all about the exchange of energy and it is individuals like you that keep life in motion on earth. You have the ability to build relationships and social structures as well as connect significant individuals with each other. You are also a mover and a shaker that knows how to create opportunity in the midst of chaos. Nothing stops your will to get what you want and very few of you experience real failure. This is because your deep capacity for analysis and natural foresight often prevent you from making mistakes in the first place. You may be materialistic but you are not greedy. You are more than willing to share your wealth with those you love and often your motivation for getting rich is to give them the best future possible. You are also a fantastic boss and leader. Your natural knack for inspiring and motivating others will probably change many lives for the better during your time here on earth. In fact, seeing others thriving as the result of your actions is one of your greatest personal rewards. You normally express yourself in a very polite, civil and courteous manner. If you feel an intense emotion like jealousy you don't tend to show it. You tend to hold your cards close to your chest to keep others in suspense as to what your next move might be. Your unpredictability often gives you the upper hand in business but it often frustrates loved ones who sometimes feel you do not communicate with them enough. In general though you make an excellent spouse and parent. You are responsible, affectionate and wise. Your honesty and trustworthiness often makes you a pillar in your community. One often finds the typical number eight participating on boards and in organizations that serve or shape the future of a community. Your advice is always appreciated and you excel at giving constructive criticism. For this reason you make an excellent teacher, builder, retailer or politician. Romantically you believe that your lover deserves only the best. Part of the expression of your devotion often includes lavishing your loved ones with gifts and luxuries. You love grand sweeping gestures such as sweeping your spouse away for a romantic weekend or surprising them with a large present. You have good, but expensive tastes in cars, furnishings and clothing. You are very well groomed and would not think of leaving the house for two seconds wearing a housecoat. You also often judge others by whether or not they are impeccably groomed as well. You can be quite stern with children and teenagers who are messy or don't keep their lives in order. This is one matter that can trigger the stern disciplinarian in you. As you are very ambitious and goal oriented, sometimes it is hard to fit loved ones and family into your busy schedule. Number eights also excel at sports and can be found relaxing on golf courses or horseback riding on weekends. One of the challenges of your lucky number is to make sure that family and friends are also included in your exciting plans.

What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life
You are one of the most spiritual complex and misunderstood numbers. Your ability to create wealth often fills your life with difficult relationships. Others may try to take advantage of you or try to make you feel guilty for your success. You are probably used to being described as greedy or shallow but usually the opposite is true. Often your devotion to keeping the free exchange of money flowing costs you dearly personally either through overwork or thanklessness from others. In essence your number is about exchange - the exchange of things for profit. Although you are materially oriented you are not spiritually bereft. In fact, one of your most sophisticated spiritual qualities is your belief that all should wealthy and that all should benefit from your endeavors. The highest expression of your soul urge number is when you are at the top of the food chain and dispensing goodies down to those who work for you or love you. You are very trustworthy individual who is entrusted often with the task of caring completely for other people's livelihoods. This is a huge responsibility and many simply don't understand the challenge. You are blessed with the tools that come in hand with being a great leader - foresight, analytical abilities and a great understanding of human nature. Your ability to sell ice to an Eskimo comes from a truly grounded and practical understanding of the wants and needs of humans. You are very astute when it comes to choosing partners and employees. You always assign people to roles that best suit their talents and resources and so that all benefit from your grand plans. Usually it is an eight that facilitates the building of a church, day care center or opera house. Art and the theater truly do appeal to your brilliant mind. Many of you are excellent when it comes to choosing talent and putting it to work in your organization. You may also privately support an artist that you believe is adding beauty, meaning and order to the world. Another soul energy that drives you is your need to demonstrate the circulation of love and prosperity in your life. If you are not making money, it seems to you like you are not being favored by the Gods or that you are on the wrong path. Like feng shui masters, you see the circulation of wealth in your life as evidence that love is blossoming in your life as well. This is because you are as equally concerned with attaining spiritual riches as you are material riches. Many of you are natural born feng shui masters and have innate understanding of the use of space. For you beauty is a matter of form following function, so if it is useful it is beautiful to you. This is why many eights end up funding the design of grand buildings or malls or creating large corporations or organizations. In Biblical terms, you are the one who knows how to divide up a single fish to feed thousands. You are also an extraordinarily kind person and one of your challenges may be about deciding who is a good risk to lend money to or not. For this reason, you can always expect some losses in your life due to the lending of money. If you are stolen from, your highest spiritual calling is to forgive the debt and realize that others simply don't have the same natural knack for creating wealth that you do.
posted by RaNdoMHEarTsOfArMylla @ 8/05/2005 02:03:00 PM 


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